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Bio-RFID uses electromagnetic energy in the form of radio waves to non-invasively capture molecular signatures.









Blood Glucose is Our Priority


Type 2

Type 1

Number of people with diabetes in the world
- World Bank, 2020E

We are committed to making a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world.

Our journey begins with a focus on the nearly 500 million people living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and another 1.5 billion people suffering from pre-diabetes.

Our Solutions to Blood
Glucose Monitoring

Pain free icon for Know Labs blood glucose solutions
AI-powered icon for Know Labs blood glucose solutions
Affordable icon for Know Labs blood glucose solutions



No finger pricks nor continuously inserted transmitters



Cutting-edge AI powering accurate predictive diagnosis (>95%)



No consumables

3x-5x less expensive

than current options


On-demand and On-the-Go

Place your palm or hold detachable portion for a spot reading of glucose concentration in mg/dL.

Continuous and Wearable

Put it on your wrist and forget it.
Check your 
glucose concentration 
through your Know Labs app.

"KnowU and UBand will transform how patients manage their diabetes. KnowU is perfect for those looking to replace the painful finger sticks while UBand is an easy-to-use innovation for those that need constant monitoring of their blood glucose."

-Phil Bosua, Bio-RFID Inventor

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Know Labs Glucose Monitoring Devices will connect to its smartphone App via Bluetooth and will be available on both the App Store and Google Play

Path to Market

Know Labs is advancing the testing of Bio-RFID, progressing on the path to FDA submission for clerance as a medical-grade device.

Know Labs path to market diagram

Internal Research Validation

Know Labs’ product development and engineering teams conducted hundreds of tests validating the Bio-RFID technology and comparing its accuracy to other FDA cleared glucose monitoring devices.

External Research Validation

Know Labs recently completed in vitro tests with renowned academic medical center to validate that Bio-RFID is able to precisely and non-invasively measure and identify a variety of molecules. In vivo tests to be kicked-off and completed soon.

Development Progress

Our clinical team collects thousands of data points each time a glucose test is performed. The Know Labs' team of data scientists uses this data to refine the algorithm that controls and enables Bio-RFID to identify and measure glucose.

Internal Trial

Internal Trial

We compared our benchtop prototype to the FDA-cleared Accu-Chek® and minimally invasive Dexcom®G6 and Freestyle Libre®. Our results are just as accurate or better. This is a big deal.

October 2021

October 2021

BioRFID and AccuChek.png

Bio-RFID vs.


BioRFID and Freestyle.png

Bio-RFID vs.


BioRFID and Dexcom G6.png

Bio-RFID vs.

Dexcom G6®

100+ Potential Applications

Bio-RFID is a foundational technology that can bring the science of electromagnetic energy to low-cost, real-world commercialization opportunities across multiple industries.

Blood Glucose
Clinical Trials

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© 2024, by Know Labs, Inc.


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